Mong-Char Podcast
Mong-CharHello all. This is the Mong-Char Podcast hosted by Tenzin Jampa & Tenzin Lekdhen. We are two young Tibetans, who have been companions for long and often have discussions on various topics of interest and of importance. The topics range from science, math, philosophy to food, tv and lifestyle. We have decided then, to record those spontaneous conversations and make it a Podcast- A podcast of uneducated (but hopefully interesting) ideas. We hope you enjoy the show.Mong-char is a Tibetan word that literally means 'ideas/opinions of an ill-educated person'. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mong-char/support
- Aantal afleveringen: 11
- Laatste aflevering: 2021-11-06
- Maatschappij & cultuur Filosofie